The topic of Chanukah does not have its own tractate in the Talmud, rather it is included in Maseches Shabbos. Why doesn’t Chanukah have its own complete tractate, from beginning to “end”, like Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkos, Purim, and Pesach? The students of the Baal Shem Tov explain that the essence of Chanukah is learning Hashem’s Torah and doing Hashem’s mitzvos, which will not be complete until Moshiach comes.
The Yomim Tovim are usually celebrated in very physical, tangible ways. On Pesach we eat matzah, on Sukkos we sit in a sukkah and shake a lulav and esrog, on Simchas Torah we dance with the Torah. It’s only on Chanukah that we celebrate with intangible, almost spiritual, symbols – fire and light. According to the Baal HaTanya, this is because the Greeks fought against our fire and our spiritualty, as it says, “ner mitzvah V’Torah ohr”.