Dear Reader,
As Pesach approaches we are commanded to recount the miracles that Hashem did for the Jewish people as he took them out of Mitzrayim. Our Chachomim tell us that there are two ways a person can recognize Hashem: one is through everyday miracles like the sun rising each morning
and setting every evening, and the second way is through extraordinary miracles like the Ten Plagues and the Splitting of the Sea.
Today we don’t really get to see those big extraordinary miracles, so I believe that every once in awhile Hashem sends us a reminder that He, and only He, is still in charge of everything that happens. Just when people start getting a bit too comfortable with all of their accomplishments and feel like they are in control, Hashem sent the Corona (COVID-19) virus to turn the world upside down.
At OK Kosher, the Coronavirus has kept us on our toes. We waited with baited breath for updates from our CEO and Kashrus Administrator, Rabbi Levy, who was visiting factories in Singapore and Malaysia (and getting his temperature checked seven times in just one day before entering different facilities), and other Rabbinic Coordinators traveling to Europe, India and Indonesia, as well as our local rabbis in China who were filling in for other international rabbis who were unable to enter China. The dedicated staff at the OK are giving kashrus all they’ve got, while rearranging flights, dealing with closed facilities and canceled trips, and making sure kosher productions can continue.
At the OK we take our responsibilities very seriously and as long as factories are producing products with the OK symbol on the label you can rest assured that our rabbis will be visiting and monitoring the productions. This year let the Pesach miracles remind us permanently that it’s Hashem who controls everything and let us merit to see the ultimate miracle of the coming of Moshiach speedily in our day.
Rabbi Chaim Fogelman
Editor in Chief